Announcing the 2015 Beneficiaries!


The following organizations are the 2015 Beneficiaries of the Grass Roots Gay Rights Foundation, selected by all the members of the Foundation.

Project Homeless Connect
The mission of Project Homeless Connect is to connect San Franciscans experiencing homelessness with the care they need to move forward.

HIV Story Project/ National AIDS Memorial
Focused on bridging HIV/AIDS with film, media and storytelling to halt the spread of the pandemic, battle the stigma associated with it and give a voice to the HIV positive community.

Let’s Kick Ass
The organization is dedicated to reclaiming lives, ending isolation, and helping long-term survivors envision a future that they once might not have dreamed of.

National Center for Transgender Equality
For over a decade, NCTE has been at the forefront of changing laws, policies and society to improve the lives of transgender Americans.


2015 Fundraising Events Reveal Their Posters!


REAL BAD XXVII Underground DJ – Brian Maier